-Contemporary Textile Art Biennial in Guimarães, Portugal
"The artistic residencies in this edition of CONTEXTILE 2024 explore the theme 'TOUCHING CONTEXTS' through the relation between Touch and the conditions of places, histories and communities. Curated by Cláudia Melo, nine artists worked in situ in the Guimarães region for over a month, reflecting on the multiple meanings of "touch" and "being in contact" through collaborative work with different communities in Guimarães, using textiles as a point of reference."
"TOUCH"をテーマとしたContextile 2024のAiRでは、滞在した繊維産業の街ギマランイスに伝わる刺繍のリサーチをはじめ、伝統的なstrawの工房や特産のコルクで糸などを開発する最先端の織物工場、また修道院に隣接する病院の施設などを訪れ、地域の人々とふれあいながら制作した。
In this workshop, held at a hospital facility adjacent to the monastery where our studio is located, I proposed embroidering by threading yarn through holes in lace paper.
When I am embroidering, that is, while I am threading, I am very focused on myself and can empty my mind. Concentration and emptying my mind may seem contradictory at first glance, but I feel it is a necessary time to be yourself.
In this workshop, the participants were free to thread the yarn whenever they wanted, whenever they felt like it. In this way, And the unconscious creates unexpected lines.